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Kama Healing x Devotional Alchemy

Devotional Bodywork, Tantric Shibari Ritual & Ceremonial Experiences for your utmost expansion.

Our Story


Brianna, the mind behind Devotional Alchemy and Pauline, the Tantric Practitioner behind Kama Healing, have united our talents to offer transformative tantric shibari sessions, immersive workshops and ceremonial offerings.


Our collaboration began with a shared recognition of the profound synergy between Tantra and Shibari. At their core, both practices revolve around the 4 sacred pillars: breath, sound, movement, and touch.


Our sessions mirror a synchronized approach to landing into the body and journeying upon the somatic landscape, through hands on guidance and niche focus. We guide you into an embodied exploration of the self—a dance between the physical and energetic landscapes. Breathwork anchors you deeply into your body, devotional touch invites connection with your inner vitality, and sensorial immersion creates a pathway to journey inward with intention.


The combination of these methods are designed to guide individuals or couples to develop awareness of what is going on in the body and mind and help empower participants to access and expand their innate sensual energy—the life force that drives creation and transformation. This process often leads to the discovery and release of previously inaccessible parts of the self, fostering deeper connection, expansion, and liberation.


Our intention is to weave our expertise into accessible, holistic tools that support personal healing and sovereignty. These sessions are for nurturing the connection between mind, body, and spirit, aimed to empower individuals to reclaim their vitality and step fully into their wholeness on a tangible level.​




Devotional Bodywork 

In the stillness of presence, the body becomes the altar, the breath becomes the prayer, and the movement becomes the offering. Devotional bodywork, rooted in tantric practices, invites us to bridge the sacred and the mundane by turning inward and honoring the profound wisdom held within.


At its heart, tantra is a path of unity — a weaving together of opposites to find wholeness. In devotional bodywork, this unity emerges through an intentional relationship with the body, breath, and energy. It is not a practice of expectation, but of deep listening, surrender, and reverence.


Through touch, movement, and focused attention, the body transforms from something we often take for granted into a portal for transcendence. Every curve, every ache, every sensation is a reminder of our aliveness. â€‹Tantric practices guide us to dissolve the boundaries between self and other, form and formlessness. In this dissolution, we find the essence of devotion: love without condition, presence without expectation, and connection without separation.​ It’s about meeting yourself exactly as you are, with tenderness and awe.


The path of devotional bodywork is a path of coming home — to your body, your breath, your being. And in this homecoming, you might just find that the divinity you seek has been within you all along.




4 Hands Massage ~  2 Practioners : 1 Receiver

'Four Hands Massage' created to help you deeply relax and experience profound states of bliss, receiving the loving, synchronised touch of 2 therapists at once. This ancient practice has evolved to guide modern people out of their minds and deeply into their body and pleasure.


This unique experience wakes the senses and releases tension and stuck emotions. Its not just the physical enjoyment of attuned, synchronised touch - But the profound sense of being ‘held’ by two therapists meeting your body with reverence and care. It’s like a sweet symphony of pleasure and the therapeutic strokes of the hands.


The magical hypnotism of the hands snaking over the body relaxes and soothes the entire body, easing up the muscle knots and stiffness. Aching body parts find an anodyne, and tired muscles discover an energy booster, becoming restored and rejuvenated.


Working alongside Tantric Practitioner Kama Healing, we’ve developed unique skills that help us understand, meet and listen to your body to offer you a transcendent journey of harmony and balance.


Tantric Shibari Ritual
                 ~ individual or Couples
              {2 Practioners : 1 Receiver}

Welcome this sacred container for your personal journey inward. Drop into states of deep consciousness, transcending the physical realm, inviting your softness to ripple out like silken waters. Experience the divine feminine/masculine current in its totality and redefine your relationship to sensuality and pleasure.


You will receive the healing magic of Tantric Touch and Somatic Shibari, with intentions to expand your pleasure potential & become embodied in your sensuality. This 2 hour ritual is based on what you need and what your body asks for. It is designed at a pace that allows you to feel safe, secure and comfortable as your nervous system calms and your sexual energy awakens. As we remove the privilege of sight and delicately tend to the body, your sensorial experience heightens deepening your embodiment.


You will be guided to connect to your somatic landscape & let go of anything that no longer serves you, releasing trauma and blockages that stop you from connecting to your truest self. Intentional touch and warm ayurvedic oils will trace over the entire body, oscillating between precise, soft, firm, gentle, dynamic movements, including sens*al br34st and pelv!c opening massage. Your hands and feet will become bound as your muscles relax and unlock your inner channels, opening the sacred flow between your sensu*lity & heart.


We integrate with a crystal sound bath Explore your eros through our loving embrace. -






As a man, it's always been hard to connect to my deepest senses and understand the meaning of true intimacy. I let myself surrender to the expert hands of Pauline and Brianna in a 4 hands Tantric Shibari Ritual and I immediately felt in a profound devotion to my own body and being. It is something I did not expect and opened my eyes to this practice being a deeply healing and transformative tool for personal development and connection.

Daniel, Sydney

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Delving into ritual and intention, we open a container for self-discovery, embodiment and transformation.

Through the language of ropes, we channel permission for deeply empowered surrender & release.

In great reverence and gratitude to the origins of Shibari

and Japanese culture from which we gather our wisdom.


Acknowledging the traditional custodians of the land of which we share our practice, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. Honouring the depth of continued connection to nature & culture.

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